Новый Завет. Греческий и английский язык

Новый Завет. Греческий и английский язык
Новый Завет. Греческий и английский язык
Новый Завет. Греческий и английский язык
Новый Завет. Греческий и английский язык
Новый Завет. Греческий и английский язык
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8-е издание переработанное (1-е издание - 1961г.). Гибкий переплет.

Под редакцией B. Aland и K. Aland.
Параллельный текст Нового Завета на греческом (27-е изд. Nestle-Aland) и английском (2-е изд. Revised Standard Version) языках. Критический аппарат английского текста предлагает варианты значений по Authorized Version, Standard Version, Revised Stadard version. Ключ к сокращениям и символам. Цветные географические карты.

От производителя
"This eighth edition differs basically from its predecessors in the Greek part, which now represents the 27th edition of the Novum Testamentum Graece. The Greek text remains unchanged from that of the 26th edition, which is also that of the Fourth (and Third) edition of the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament, but significant changes have been made in the critical apparatus. A new appendix (II) gives additional and explicit information about the readings of Greek manuscripts. For detailed discussion, especially about new features in the 27th edition, see pp. 3*-6* below.
We express our sincere and profound gratitude, first of all to our colleagues in the Institute for New Testament Textual Research, who have all contributed in special ways, participating in their respective areas with rare dedication. Special credit is due Gerd Mink and Beate Koster, without whose critical and constructive counsel in so many details it would have been impossible to achieve the present edition, not to mention many other projects as well. The following colleagues were individually responsible for various aspects of the undertaking. Klaus Witte revised the critical apparatus from newly reviewed collations, building on the work of Klaus Junack with the 26th edition. Klaus Wachtel together with Wolfgang Richter was responsible especially for data on the papyri and the uncials. The review of oriental versions was entrusted to Andreas Juckel (Syriac) and Gerd Mink aided by Franz-Juirgen Schmitz (Coptic). A thorough review of the Latin and Greek patristic citations was undertaken by Ute Hagemann and others. The list of manuscripts was expanded and verified by Michael Welte (papyri and uncials) and Beate Koster (minuscules). Horst Bachmann and Gustav Wendt were ready and indefatigable proofreaders. Ms. Marlene Just was the very model of efficiency in dealing with all the clerical difficulties that arose, often under extreme pressure from deadlines.
Many of the scholars mentioned above are no longer with the Institute, and we take this opportunity to express our gratitude to them. We are also indebted to the many students who have participated through the years in the work of the Institute, collating manuscripts and excerpting patristic citations. We are grateful to them for their contribution.
Erroll F.Rhodes has again translated the Introduction into English. He has earned our sincere gratitude by the grasp of textual criticism which he brings to this difficult task.
Once again the German Bible Society and Biblia-Druck in Stuttgart have demonstrated their usual excellence in composition and printing. Every reader is certainly indebted to them and their associates, and also to the Hermann Kunst Foundation for Promoting New Testament Research, and the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Munster for their financial support.
Finally, a word of thanks is due the scholars who have reviewed and criticized our work. We have learned much from them".
Barbara Aland, Kurt Aland

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